Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Flaggate Part II: The Prime Minister Changes His Story

You'll recall yesterday in Question Period the Prime Minister accused the Coalition of signing their agreement without the Canadian flag behind them, until CBC news aired a report showing that in fact the flag was behind them.


So instead of admitting he made a mistake, (Don't hold your breath with this Prime Minister -Ed.) the Prime Minister instead changed his story by saying the flag was "off to the side" except, as you can see from the video it was almost directly behind Jack Layton.


The Prime Minister says "Those images will never be forgotten by the Canadian people." What you mean the images that show you're a liar? Well, lets hope you're right about that.


PDO said...

With flags of the Canadian provinces and territories

When provincial and territorial flags are flown with the National Flag of Canada, the order is based on the date of entry into Confederation of the provinces followed by the territories. In a grouping of flags that includes the National Flag of Canada and all of the flags of the provinces and territories, the order of precedence is:
1. National Flag of Canada
2. Ontario (1867)
3. Quebec (1867)
4. Nova Scotia (1867)
5. New Brunswick (1867)
6. Manitoba (1870)
7. British Columbia (1871)
8. Prince Edward Island (1873)
9. Saskatchewan (1905)
10. Alberta (1905)
11. Newfoundland (1949)
12. Northwest Territories (1870)
13. Yukon (1898)
14. Nunavut (1999)

When there are more than three flagpoles/masts, the National Flag of Canada should be flown on the left of the observer facing the flags, followed by the flags of the provinces and territories. An additional National Flag of Canada may be displayed at the end of the line if desired.

Hishighness said...

To the left of the observer, in this case the camera, which it was. It was on the left side where Layton was.

Pretty sad when the Prime Minister doesn't know this stuff, or at least learns about it before shooting his mouth off.