Saturday, November 29, 2008

Same old, Same old at Conservative TeleVision

Nice to see CTV is starting to mask their bias a little less these days. I happened to be channel surfing a little while ago and despite my better judgement I stopped on the CTV national news for a moment because they had a story about the current Parliamentary crisis.

What was I rewarded with? Robert Fife describing Stephane Dion as "The Accidental Leader who wants to become the Accidental Prime Minister."

He also took another shot at the Liberals by telling viewers the Liberals had caved in to a demand by the NDP to cancel billions in corporate tax cuts which Fife said "sounds good, until you realize that would create massive unemployment."

He also tried to sew dissent in the Liberal party ranks by saying Dion wants to be Prime Minister but people inside the Liberal party say that will never happen.

And he was only on for about a minute! That's 1 slimy slam every 20 seconds!

Update: Here's the vid


Oldschool said...

Dion "carbon trader" could be the leader of the coalition "bawana" 3rd world party . . . running Canada into the ground with their 3rd world ideas.
Imagine a political party getting taken off the dole in tough times? WOW . . . The Cons lose the most money . . . the Greens hardly lose any . . . I resent giving my tax dollars to marxist political parties . . . why don't you just all donate to the party you support.
Same old libs . . . willing to tax me to death, but not willing to give up a dime of their handouts . . .

Hishighness said...

Seriously man, put the crack pipe DOWN ok? Look, we want you to get better ok? So just put it down and admit you have a problem.

James said...

Wow. That Oldschool sure is deluded. A few questions:

1) What is "bawana" ?
2) How are the Liberal's ideas "3rd world"?
3) You're insane, the political parties are not primarily upset about the vote subsidy (well, Bloc may be, but they run nearly all their activities from those monies). That whole brouhaha was drummed up by the Conservative's media machine. Even though the clips that the news plays show the leaders are upset over the lack of a stimulus agenda, the anchors go on to say it is all about the vote subsidy. And you, like a fool, bought in -- hook, line and sinker.
4) Furthering the insanity, is the total is $30M for the vote subsidies out of a $200,000,000,000 budget. Why Harper would be trying to cut that 0.00015% of the budget is clear.
5) "I resent giving my tax dollars to marxist political parties"... whatever, it's clear you don't know the meaning of any of the last 3 words in that statement.

In any case, I recommend doing some homework before spouting off about things you clearly know nothing about.

Hishighness said...

Arguing with a Conservative is like this picture.