Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Righties Want Milliken out

Well, at least Rob Anders won't be our Speaker. *shudder*

But doing a search for "Speaker" at Google Canada's news site I found three of the top links were from Conservative rags (The Edmonton Journal, The Globe and Mail, and the National Pest) saying that the current speaker needs to go because of the tone in the House.

Translation: They want a Conservative patsy there.

Gone are the days when they at least pretended they weren't above shilling for the Conservatives.

National Pest: Lately, though, he has been criticized for not being tough enough on MPs and has taken some blame for the decline in civilized behaviour in the Commons.

Civilized in this text is taken to mean "Not spouting Conservative talking points."

The Globe and Mail: But the pressure for change has increased to the point where more and more members want an authoritative voice in the chair. Their reputation and the reputation of Parliament have been hurt by the tumult that has been allowed under Mr. Milliken. It's time the pandemonium ended. It's time someone else was given a chance.

Yeah, it's the Speakers' fault Conservative MPs act like children.

Edmonton Journal: It's become positively commonplace for Ottawa observers to relate daily stories of shocked constituents and visiting school tours appalled by the infantile, embarrassing dog-and-pony show that often passes for question period these days.


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