Sunday, September 03, 2006

Newsflash to Layton: Afghanistan is not Iraq

Unfortunatly however I fear that we're heading down the same path in terms of public reaction to it. I love how most people were for this war, until our soldiers started dying. Well sunshine what the Hell did you think was going to happen? These are soldiers and they're at war. Jesus haven't any of you ever watched any WWII movies? Soldiers die. I know it's not a good thing but it happens. I feel pain like all of us when one of our soldiers dies, but Afghanistan is an honest to goodness enemy in the war on terror, Iraq isn't. That's why the Iraqi war is wrong and the Afghan war is right. (Well as right as any war can be -Ed.)

Now trust me I'm the last person in the country to support Harper, but in this case he happens to be correct, at least partly.

Layton doesn't care any more about the troops than anyone else does, he just sees the big poll numbers against the Afghanistan conflict and
is using that to fool people in to believing he cares. Real leaders, leaders who deserve our respect and admiration have the courage to do the right thing even if it isn't popular. Paul Martin did it with Same Sex Marriage, and now Stephen Harper is doing it with Afghanistan, although I don't give him nearly as much credit because he's only doing it to help out his boy Dubya.

People in our society have become too adept at adoring yes men as politicians. All our greatest leaders have stood up for what's right. Lincoln abolished slavery, Wilson supported Women's sufferage, Truman desegregated the military, etc.


Erik said...

So what's supposed to be so "right" about the war in Afghanistan?

The fact that people are dying doesn't make it right. Neither does the fact that the end of this war is not in sight.

The war on terrorism is a misnomer (like the war on drugs is); You either fight to win, or else you go home. It's as simple as that. Now if it could have been won, it would have already happened.

It didn't.

There's nothing right about "being at war". The time IS "right" for a new approach; normalize the situation.

It's never to early to negotiate peace.

Hishighness said...

"I" can use "a lot" of "quotes" too. But "that" doesn't "make" an argument "better."

Seriously though,

Now if it could have been won, it would have already happened.

You're going to have to do better than that if you want to get on my list of most moronic things I've heard this year. You must be one of those flower childs who thinks war is never nessesary. Ask the Jews circa 1944 about that.