Friday, September 08, 2006

I Support Jason Cherniak

I love how people seem to adore bloggers who go out of their way to not step on any toes. As if being boring is somehow good reading. When I first heard about Jason Cherniak I was still a young blogger, just hatched from my parent blog's shell. Jason was one of the most respected bloggers at the time because he didn't really offend anyone. His views were more from the head as opposed to mine which are from the heart.

Recently however, he's come under fire because he's had the audacity to express a strong opinion he has about an Ontario NDP candidate. *gasp* HOW DARE HE?!?! How dare he strongly express an opinion? That bastard! we'll have to hornswaggle him! (Whatever that means -Ed.)

Jason is finding himself speaking more and more from the heart these days, so instantly that makes him an undesirable blogger to some people. These killjoys just seem to love nothing more than dry, boring blogs that simply recite facts and now and then throw in an opinion just to let the reader know the writer isn't a computer. I happen to take the opposite stance, I like in your face bloggers. (You mean like you? -Ed.) I enjoy conflict, I like bloggers who like myself realize that the Conservatives and the NDP and the Greens are our enemies and the goal of anyone towards their enemies should be to destroy them. (electorally in this case)

That isn't to say I didn't enjoy J-Roc's blog before, I liked it because I liked the man behind it. Do I agree with him on everything? No, I'm a Brison supporter he's a Dion man. But we're both passionate Liberals, it's just now he's showing a bit more of that passion than before. He's been given a position of importance in the Dion campaign and people say it's going to his head. I think it's just given him a passion for his craft that he lacked before. I personally think Cherniak is better than ever.

But most of all I support him because he's my friend.

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