Sunday, January 22, 2006

My Idea of Electoral Reform

I like the idea of a ranking system, however I'd like it to be more of a points system where it'd be like this:

Candidate A - 1st Rank = 2 points
Candidate B - 2nd Rank = 1 points
Candidate C - 3rd Rank = 0 points


Candidate A - 1st Rank = 3 points
Candidate B - 2nd Rank = 2 points
Candidate C - 3rd Rank = 1 point
Candidate D - 4th Rank = 0 points

and so on depending on how many candidates there are.

And at the end whoever has the most points wins. Ties could be broken by using 1st place votes, then 2nd, and so on. This way people could give the party they like the most the most points and the party they like the least none. This would eliminate the need for strategic voting, but also at the same time preserve our method of voting directly for our MP.