Thursday, January 12, 2006

Fun With Conservative Logic

The entire Conservative Party is corrupt.

“How can you say that?” you ask? Simple, one of their candidates in the current election has been charged with Smuggling. “But, how does that make them all corrupt?” There my friends lies the paradox. The Conservatives have been screaming at the top of their lungs for 2 years now that every single Liberal is guilty of fraud in the Sponsorship program; however Mr. Justice Gomery found that in actuality only a handful of Liberals were in fact guilty. So if the Conservatives can say that every Liberal is guilty based only on the actions of a few, I can say they are all guilty of Smuggling based only on the actions of one.

Sorry fellas, but you can’t have it both ways. Stephen Fletcher called Japanese Canadians “Jap Bastards” so by Conservative’s own logic that must mean that they all think the Japanese are a bunch of Jap Bastards. If that’s not true, and they don’t all believe that, and they aren’t all smugglers, then that must mean not every Liberal is guilty. Any reasonable Human being, even Conservatives should agree with that statement.

However, I’m not holding my breath.

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