Sunday, December 11, 2005

Liberals playing the role of the Conservatives circa 2004

Normally Scott Reid is an intelligent and articulate guy, I've watched him many times on Politics with Don Newman and he always comes off as a smart fellow, but this is pure idiocy.

Now everyone knows what he's saying is true, Hell I even said it myself, but I didn't use such idiotic language. And I'm not the communications director for the Prime Minister.

First the Lapierre mess and now this, Martin better get all his troops together and give them the what for, because right now we're playing the roles of the Conservatives in the 2004 election.

If it wasn't for Rob Anders and Harper not loving Canada we'd be in real trouble.


Koby said...

Speaking of Anders and "homosexual sex marriage", the lastest sermon from the mound is from Paul Forseth. Get this. Not only does SSM marriage represent the "moral breakdown of society" it is also endangering Canada's economic future.

One can always depend on Forseth for words of wisdom. His best known ditty is "Social security is welfare for the aged." My personal favorite, though, is his view that skin head attacks on gay men are really better described as gang on gang violence. "That's my guess, yes, especially where you have alcohol and drugs and mix that with very short-term changing sexual relationships... There's a lot of jealousy... they [homosexuals] are vengeful, and their health isn't very good. [Skinheads bashing gays] is one kind of marginalized group doing its thing against another marginalized sub-group, which essentially has nothing to do with human rights before the law. It's purely one gang going against another gang."

Hishighness said...

Koby, if you read this click the contact button at the top and email me, I tried the email address listed on your blog.
