Monday, December 19, 2005

Day 20 Winners:

The Liberals.

Why? Because Jack Layton attacked Stephen Harper yesterday.

I can see you shaking your head saying "What the heck does that have to do with the Liberals?" The answer is simple, last election the NDP lost support because Canadians were (understandably) terrified by the prospect of a Conservative government. So this time around Layton's mission has been to not try to go too hard at Harper, because he knows if Canadians aren't fooled by Harper's BS they'll flock to the Liberals. So he and Harper have been best buds lately, with both sides even hinting at cooperation in a possible minority situation. This attack is the last thing Layton needs to be doing.

Liberals 11
Conservatives 7

(Note: To Anyone who missed my announcement yesterday the individual days won will now be shown in the left column in a calendar format. With each day being given the color of the party that won it.)

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