Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Day 15 Winners:

The Liberals.

After a three day slide the Liberals have drawn back in to a tie with the Conservatives on the L4L Election Day-O-Meter. With the U.S. Ambassador giving the Prime Minister an early christmas present and the Conservatives going overboard (As Jason Cherniak Predicted) on Beerpopgate the Grits had the best day 15.

Liberals 7 (Days 1,3,5,6,10,11,15)
Conservatives 7 (Days 2,4,7,9,12,13,14)
NDP 1 (Day 8)

(P.S. Sorry for being late getting this out, other than an hour to do my two feature articles I've been out shoveling $&*$*@! Snow all bloody day. My thoughts on snow are the following:

The only good thing about snow is one day I'll die and won't have to put up with it anymore.)


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