Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Once again McTeague disgraces himself and his party.

Go ahead opposition, go ahead and launch as many attacks as you want about “Liberal” MP Dan McTeague’s request of Immigration Minister Joe Volpe to have Rapper 50 Cent banned from Canada, because I’ll be right there behind you on this one.

This man is a disgrace to the Liberal party. First he votes against Same Sex Marriage and now he wants to ban free speech; why doesn’t he just join the Conservative Party and end this charade? Better yet why doesn’t Paul Martin boot his sorry ass out of Caucus? That way we can get a real Liberal to run in his riding. One that actually, oh I don’t know supports the Liberal ideology? This is one of the reasons I’m not a big fan of Prime Minister Martin, he doesn’t stand up for the values of the party. But if ever he was going to do so, now would be the time, right before an election. Take them up on a big stage in front of thousands of members of the party and tell these bigoted “Liberal” MPs “Sorry boys, your services will no longer be required.” Then one of those giant hooks comes out and yanks them off the stage.

Now let me be clear here just so as to provide you haters out there with as little ammunition as possible. (That would be assuming their arguments usually make sense to begin with. –Ed.) I’m not saying I have a problem with him speaking his mind, I’m saying I have a problem with what is in his mind to begin with. Seriously, Prime Minister Martin should propose a strait up trade with Harper: All his MPs that voted for SSM in exchange for all our MPs that voted against it. I’m sure everyone would be much happier in their new roles.

All I’m saying is if he has these feelings Why is he a Liberal? That’d be like me joining the Conservative party, getting elected as an MP and then telling them “Oh, by the way, I’m pro SSM, against unnecessary tax cuts, for debt reduction, and for the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.” Harper’s head would explode; and after all the kings horses and all the kings men managed to put it together again he’d scream at me: “Why The Hell did you join this party then?” The only answer I’d be able to come up with would be when I play Capture the Flag in Quake 3 I always choose the Blue team over the Red. Maybe McTeague has watched too much American television and he mistakenly thinks the Red party is the party of intolerance here in Canada like it is in the States. If that’s the case we need to get him 40ccs of Mansbridge STAT!


Progressive Maritimer said...

I didn't agree with his vote against same-sex marriage but since it was a free vote, he was entitled to vote as he wanted.

On this matter, however, I am completely supportive of him. I say ban rap completely because it promotes violence, disrespects women, and is down right vulgar and crude. Bravo Mr. McTeague!

Hishighness said...

You know, I never thought of it that way! That's a great idea! And while we're at it we can ban Country music because it promotes drinking! Why not ban pop music? All it does is glorify sex! Hell, while we're at it lets ban opposition parties too! Who needs them anyway.......


Progressive Maritimer said...

I have ranted in the past against the cultural filth that our media spews at us now. However, I suppose I should clarify to some extent before you continue to use slippery slope fallacies to argue against me.

The government is responsible for working in the common good of Canadians. Violence and the promotion of violence is not in the common good and is indeed illegal.

We can teach people to drink responsible, we can teach people have have safe sex. It isn't working right now because we give too little power to the state and the public education system. We have become dilluded into thinking that the education system should not play a role in early childhood engineering in order to create good citizens.

Violence on the other hand is something we can teach people how to do responsibily because it is fundamentally wrong to begin with. We can't rationally and in good conscience teach people to use violence responsibly.

On another note, I think it is about time that we stop putting the CBC at arm's length and having the government influence its content more in order to create a rational, intelligent, sophisticated, and civilized alternative to the dumbed down trash that we are bombarded with. I choose not to watch this influence of stupidity but the masses in general tend not to (humans who are unable to contain their internal chimera will allow their desirous rather than their rational mind to control their actions. In order to have the correct internal ordering so that one can be a good person, they must order their mind correctly so that the rational mind always controls the desires.)

Anyway, that is a quick synopsis of a project that I am working on for my blog.

Monkey Loves to Fight said...

I think any big tent party should allow for diversity of views. As a former Progressive Conservatives, there is a big hole left in the political spectrum. Many like myself find the Liberals too much for government intervention (which is sometimes necessary, but not too its current extent), while in the same time cannot stand the social conservativism of the Conservatives. At the same time I do agree that I wonder why people like Roger Gallaway, Paul Steckle, Dan McTeague, and Tom Wappel are in the Liberals unless all they cared about is winning their seat. Lets remember most of those people entered politicis in the 90s and are from Ontario when the Liberals won every seat in Ontario. If you lived in Ontario and you wanted to go into politics, you ran under the Liberal banner.