Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Those Liberals, they’re Grrrrrrrrreat!

The hallmark of the Liberals twelve years in power has been their ability to surprise you just when you think they’re down for the count. This was never truer than last month at this time when they survived a motion of non-confidence forced upon them by the poll buoyed Conservative Party of Canada. Since then however not much has gone right for the Conservatives. The Grewal scandal, Steven Fletcher’s racist remark at a veterans convention, and Steven Harper’s extreme makeover have left a party bolstered by polls that showed them possibly attaining the power they so desperately seek only one month ago, a shattered visage of their former selves, reduced to adopting a “wait until next year” approach that has prevailed in Toronto Maple Leafs circles since the 1970s. So it is little surprise that they have been outmaneuvered once again by the Liberals, who at this point must be looking to them as the Road Runner to their Wile E. Coyote. Yesterday the Liberals announced that they will sit as long as it takes to get bills C-38, the same sex marriage legislation, and C-48, the Add-on to the Budget, passed in the House of Commons before recessing. This news, coming as it does after media rumblings that they were ready to strike a deal with the Conservatives to hold off on C-38 until the fall in exchange for swift passage of C-48.

But according to Conservative Finance Critic Monte Solberg’s website this wasn’t even in the cards at all.
“Some media reports are saying that the Conservatives will support Bill C 48, the NDP Budget Deal, in exchange for changes to C 38. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.”

Even after all the punishment the Conservatives have taken, not only in the polls, but in Parliament as well, they still refuse to co-operate in a house who’s party standings cry out for co-operation. If you don’t approve of their methods you have to at least admire the strength of their convictions. For they are perfectly willing to keep on truckin, even if that truck has three flat tires, a blown gasket, is leaking fuel, the fuzzy dice on the rear-view mirror are crooked, and it’s driven off a cliff. The Canadian people want their Parliament to work, and the only ones who aren’t heeding that message are the Conservatives.

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