Tuesday, June 28, 2005

A Great Day in Canadian History

"Je declare le motion adopte."

Tuesday, June 28th, 2005. Will go down as a Great Day in Canadian History. Today we take one more step out of the dark ages and get one step closer to enlightenment.

Ottawa - 9:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time - Bill C-38, The Civil Marriage Act passes 3rd reading of the House of Commons 158-133. It begins its final senatorial journey to ensure equal rights for gays and lesbians against the objections of the narrow minded, and surviving one final desperate amendment from those who oppose equality.

It places another well needed nail in the coffin of interference in the affairs of the State by the Church.

The only better day in this saga will be when it receives royal assent.

*pops cork on champagne*

However I know the war is not over, when a group of people lets hate consume them as much as the Conservatives and their supporters have I know they won't let a little thing like a binding vote in the highest legislature in the land stop them. But we will be there, fighting them every step of the way.

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